Life-affirming is the word that comes to mind when I think about Rungano-Ndota. Connecting with this powerful and optimistic group of young leaders, and seeing the outcomes and impact of their efforts, continually fills me with hope and joy. It is a blessing to support this mission and know that this “dream generation” is improving lives and creating a lasting legacy for their families, community, and nation.
Leslie Jones Garvin, High Point, North Carolina
The RYP Approach to Fundraising
Both RNI and RYP need to insure our growth and sustainability. The businesses launched by RNI youth have proven to be financially self-sufficient after they start, but philanthropy powers the organizations that make those businesses possible. While we are considering some strategies for earning income in the future, thus far our work relies on philanthropic commitments.
For our first four years, all support for RNI and RYP has come from individual donors, including some groups like congregations and Rotary Clubs. We broaden our community of support through events both in-person and online. RYP and RNI leadership also build relationships with individuals who are able to contribute in special ways. Centered on a Rwandan vision of impact and success, RYP pairs donor interests with RNI’s priorities, creating deep and mutually-beneficial impact for donors and for Rungano-Ndota youth.
Starting in 2021, RYP and RNI are also beginning to engage private foundations, government agencies, and corporations in our fundraising. Our first foundation partner is Someone Else’s Child, a family foundation based outside Boston. We are grateful for their vision and support, and we look forward to other foundations joining the effort.
Networks open pathways to resources, and we would be glad to hear from you! We welcome suggestions and introductions that can help engage resources to expand opportunity for vulnerable youth.
Below you can see some of our donors and their motivations for giving. To see a full list of donors, look under the “Team” section of the website. Donors play a key role on this team!
What our Donors say
What our Donors say
We had the opportunity to travel to Rwanda a few years ago and met some of the youth there. We were impressed by how much they were determined to improve their lives. Being from Cape Verde & Kenya respectively, we were touched by their “positive can do attitude.” At that juncture we resolved to play a small part in the renaissance of a generation of people who overcame genocide. These youth were looking to build a better future for themselves and the community they live in. We decided to be a part of this journey.
Alfred and Keila Kiranga, Boston, MA
Our congregation supports Rungano-Ndota because it helps young men and women become entrepreneurs through training, support, and encouragement. Our contributions are an investment in people and their growth, a value that is at the core of what we believe and practice. It is a joy to hear of the success many have had in their life journey because of Rungano-Ndota. We are proud to be a supporting partner.
The United Presbyterian Church of Cortland, New York
Leadership and entrepreneurship emerge from within, and lead to transformation. Through RYP, I help support the founders of this effort on their journey of transformation, just as they support vulnerable youth in their community to transform their lives. I didn’t have the means or access to intervene during the tragic events of genocide in Rwanda, but now I do have the means and RYP helps me play a role. Who wouldn’t want to be part of this?
Tim Giarrusso, President and CEO,
Human Technologies Corporation, Utica, NY
Rungano-Ndota is the intersection of what we’ve cared about and/or worked for our whole lives: youth, agriculture, and the future of Africa. Simply put, there are few projects and places that give us more hope than this.
Anim Steel and Sarita Daftary, Brooklyn, New York
I support Rungano-Ndota because I myself am a genocide survivor from Cambodia. Unlike many genocide survivors though, I was lucky to have been able to escape the violence and seek asylum with my family intact in the United States. Therefore when I hear of all the struggles that others have gone and are going through, I just wish that I can do more for them.
Sophy Theam, Lowell, Massachusetts
We first got involved in Rungano-Ndota as a way of supporting scholarships to the trade school, but then, after seeing all that the young people are doing, we decided to support the whole program, while trying to encourage others in California to get involved as well.
Jeffrey Lieber and Holly Long + kids, Los Angeles, California
Rungano-Ndota provides an avenue for young entrepreneurs to realize their dreams, and who can resist helping dreams come true?! That’s why we’re excited to help launch their new cooperative running a goat farm. We engaged our community in raising the seed capital for the business – family, friends, preschool, church, university, work, etc. The youth in Rwanda saved money for their contribution to the start-up, and we are asking our friends to join us in sponsoring a goat or two! Through Rungano-Ndota, we know these visionary young people will receive the training, support and mentoring they need to develop thriving businesses and lifelong leadership skills. This group is going to be unstoppable and we can’t wait to celebrate their success!